In my opinion, there is no format or final form of the job description. But the store manager’s job description should include the job identification, job summary, responsibilities and duties, authority of incumbent, the standards of performance, working conditions and Job specifications. I recommend that Jennifer include standards of of performance section in job description. In this, the standards that the employee expected to be achieved under each job description’s main duties and responsibilities, is listed. It will also address the problem of employees such as not understanding the company policies, procedures, and expectations. In addition I recommend that Jennifer should take a competency-based approach instead. This competency based approach describes the job in terms of the measurable, observable, behavioral competencies that an employee who perform the job must have. The competency analysis is more worker focused. This is due to it focuses more on ‘how’ the worker meets the job’s objective or actually accomplishes the work.
4. What in your opinion, should the store manager,s job description look like and contain?
In my opinion the store manager’s job description should look like:
Job Description of store manager Job Title: Store manager | Company name: Carter Cleaning Company | Job Type: Manager | Location: Allista Towers | Division: Management Occupations | Non/Residence Status: Both | Department: Cleaning | Report to: President(Jennifer Carter) | Date: 2 December 2012 | Expiration Date: December 2015 | Job Summary: Responsible for directing all store activities in such a way that quality work is produced, customer relations and sales are maximized, and profitability is maintained through effective control of labor, supply, and energy costs | Duties and Responsibilities:o Supervising and ensuring smooth activities in the store.o Be on time for