| Short Term | Long Term | Piet Andaro | * Piet will be demotivated impacting the performance of his team and himself. * He might receive negative comments from his management who does not have a full understanding of the role played by Piet which will lead to further dissatisfaction. | * Piet might look forward for a career break which will give him an opportunity to consider other options available to him. * Another competitive Airline might make an offer to Piet and Piet might take the offer taking in to consideration the unsatisfying working environment with the current employer. * In the long run the Airline will realize the overall breadth of work Piet performed and how Piet build good will among the customers and helped to retain them even under difficult circumstances. | The Airline | * The Airline will not see a massive reduction in ticket sales in the short term. * Airline might see an increase in customer complaints. * Airline management will remain in their comfort zone. | * Will have many dissatisfied economy class customers whom will switch to different Airlines in future. * Airline will see a considerable drop in sales which will force the Airline management to seriously look in to employee and customer issues. | The Customer | * Economy class customers will see a difference in the way they are being treated. * Customers having frequent flyer option will not have any issues. | * There will be an increased number of customers who will see that they are being treated badly compared to their previous experiences in flight overbooked situations. * Economy class customers will have a negative impression about the Airline which will trigger them to consider another competitive Airline. * Customer loyalty will reduce for the Airline. |
My personal opinion is that the current management of the Airline is maintaining their presence in their own comfort zones leaving