Title: Trouble Ticket Management System
Overview: The Trouble Tracking Management System enables the customers of a Telecom Service Company, TSCL to log their comments and Complaints about the Services/ Equipments of TSCL.
This system is introduced as a part of excelling the customer satisfaction. After taking the reports from the customer the HelpDesk is acting for the remedy of it. Thus the users of the company are provided with the updated status regarding their reports at the earliest. A new customer is requested to register in the site for utilizing the facilities provided. A Valid member can post the report about the services/ equipments of TSCL. These reports are available to the agents of the HelpDesk. The requests which are open will be verified and resolved by the agent. If the solution to the problem is acceptable to the customer then they will close it. The unacceptable solution may lead to the modification of the Report where the process can take round trips and get closed at last by the customer. The closed requests will be then deleted by the agent there by removing it from the report collection.
Assumptions & Constraints
The system assumes the following: The details provided by the users are correct. The problem type, sub category and the department entered by the user are correct. The customer can view only the Faults created by their own. The agents can view all the Faults. The remarks updated by the agents are true.
User Characteristics
The Customers of TSCL, who have registered in the system are the Users. Users can Create/ View/ Update the Profile. They can Create/ View/ Update/ Close the Faults.
The Employees of the TSCL, Agents can View/ Update Remarks for all the Open Faults posted. Agents can delete the closed faults.
Module1: User Profiles
CRUD 1: User Registration
CRUD Operation 1: Creation of a New User Profile.