Synopsis: American Eagle and Abercrombie & Fitch are rival retailers vying for a competitive leadership position among the same segment of the teenage/college student market. Each, however, pursues a slightly different strategy, even though some similarities have been the issues for legal contestation. The case details the strategies, merchandising, operations, and competitive positions of the two retailers.
Chapter 1 Examines the trends and preferences of the teen/college market and how retailers are catering to the needs of this market
Chapter 2 Illustrates the strategies and operations of two specialty apparel retailers.
Chapter 5 Details the retail market strategies, operations and sources of competitive advantages for two specialty apparel retailers.
Chapter 15 Describes the retail communication mix pursued by two specialty apparel retailers to reach their target market segments.
Discussion Questions
1. What, if any, are the differences in A&F's and American Eagle's retail strategy?
1. What are the brand images of A&F and AE? What words and phrases are associated with each retailer's brand name?
2. List other specialty apparel retailers that target the same customers as A&F and AE. How do these brands differentiate themselves in the competitive retail environment? Construct a product positioning map to illustrate.
3. Which retailer(s) has(have) the stronger competitive position? Why?
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MNGT 102 Fall 2013 Case Study 1 - Targeting the College Age Apparel Market
Name MNGT102- Grade
Discussion Questions
1. What, if any, are the differences in A&F's and American Eagle's retail strategy?
4. What are the brand images of A&F and AE? What words and phrases are associated with each retailer's brand name?
5. List other specialty apparel retailers that