1 What factors do you think make some organizations ineffective at managing emotions?
A There are many factors that make organizations ineffective at managing emotions. The first factor is the complex human thinking. Not everyone think and act in the same way to a particular situation. So the organization faces difficulties when handling their employees. The problem is even worse if the organization is very large. If the organization is large it means it is diverse. The employees belong to different background and different culture which makes even more difficult for the organization to understand emotions of the employees.
Some organizations even think that emotions are disruptive and they will interfere with the employee’s ability to work. They don’t let their employees to expresses their feelings and emotions. The managers should be given training to understand the emotions and feelings of others. The organization should be in regular contact with the employees so that they could understand the feelings and emotions of the employees. Emotions are the psychological responses to a particular incident. This is very hard to expect. When you can’t expect a thing how can you manage it? So we can’t blame organization for not managing emotions effectively.
References: Text book and my understanding of the subject.
2 Do you think the strategic use and display of emotions serve to protect employees, or does covering your true emotions at work lead to more problems than it solves?
A. Covering of your emotions can sometimes ensure a work is done smoothly and perfectly. However covering your emotions will lead to mental stress. So it is better to display true emotions at work. What does it mean? You shout at your manager if you are not happy? NO. You should be expressing your emotions depending upon several factors.
Some of those are what are your emotions? Waiting for the right time and right place.
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