"bounced" checks written over the past several months. Dennis says that both of his parents were drug addicts and he experienced physical, sexual, and emotional abuse throughout childhood at their hands. His father died of liver disease at the age of 37.
Dennis also reports that at the age of 14, he was kicked out of his family's home because his father suspected that he was gay. Although they live in the same town, he has not had any contact with either parent for 7 years. Dennis describes his relationship with his older sister as "fair." Dennis is not presently involved in a steady relationship, but does have a network of friends in the local gay community with whom he has been staying off and on. At the time that he left home, Dennis survived by becoming involved in sexual relationships with older men, many of whom were also abusive. He has had numerous sexual partners
(both male and female) over the past 7 years, has traded sex for drugs and money, has had sex under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and has been made to have sex against his will. Marcel identifies himself as bisexual, not gay.
Dennis first used alcohol at age 14, when he had his first sexual encounter with a man. He began using other drugs, including inhalants and marijuana by age 16 and amphetamines and cocaine by age 19. At 21, four months prior to entering treatment, he began using crack.
1. Identify and sort through the relevant facts presented by Marcel.
2. Identify the problems, issues, and concerns that arise in Marcel's situation.
2a. What are the most immediate and critical assessment needs?
3. Identify the positive and strengths aspects of Marcel's situation
4. Analyze the issues in terms of knowledge presented in the training modules.