How does Google’s mission statement related to its business strategy?
They are related because they want to acquire all the information, making them useful to the real world. Information can be accessed by anyone around the world. Targeting advertising has the high amount of revenue, making them one of the most valuable real (virtual) estate.
How does Google’s organizational strategy support its business strategy?
Organizational strategy helps the business to extend the limits to the core, mainly emphasizing their culture inside the organization. It motivates the employees and also encourages intelligent people to come, the founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin approve those. Moreover, trying to acquire information even the worst projects will be taken into consideration. Money is not the power, provide something useful and the money will flow. The organization asks their employees to share whatever they can and not hesitate. These all things supports its overall business strategy because of the motivation to their employees brings out more productivity.
Which of Porter's three generic strategies does Google appear to be using based on this case? Provide a rationale for your response
After reading this case, this case is focusing on Cost leadership and Focus strategy mentioned in Porter’s generic strategy. To start with Cost leadership helps the company to give lowest costs but earning higher profits by users getting the information anywhere. Furthermore, Focus is a broad perspective because they always try to improve themselves in every sector and they are trying to find solutions to all the problems faced by the users. This makes it more intriguing and competitiveness and different sectors are available, hence taking it to the broad perspective, they are trying to come up with their own solutions software in order to help big organization on how to manage their firm, which in turn makes it more interesting.
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