Problem: Should Toucan Collections accept the contract from the department store, therefore changing the basic business definition of the company? If not, how should it grow its business?
1. Do nothing, do not sign the contract and continue selling as is
2. Sign the contract, significantly increase the number of replicas, but significantly increase promotions of Toucan’s authentic core products
3. Do not sign the contract but grow business through brand extension with new product
Recommendation: REJECT: Toucan Collections has maintained a great annual growth rate of around 20% in the last decade, which has attributed to their $25 million gross sales. Competition has increased tenfold in the last few years, and these competitors are targeting customers through a variety of channels. If Toucan does nothing to change their marketing style and keep up with the competition, they will get swallowed within the seller market.Alt 1 (Do nothing)
REJECT: On paper, this contract sounds to have great potential, providing a possible 16% increase in sales and reliable income. But the possibility that the company would only continue with the $750,000 purchases needs to be looked at since it would not increase revenue enough to outweigh the possible consequences of the contract. A positive is that they would be following the industry trends and keeping up with their competitors. However, the case states that Toucan has (worked hard for) and developed a reputation of trust and quality. By following the contract and triple-ing its replica production, they would by shying about from the base definition of their business. They are known for trust and quality, but are shifting to replicas? This would send a very bad message to its core target market. Replicas make up a very small portion of their net sales, so expanding in this area seems to be inconsistent with achieving their overall goals. However, since the