The story behind the organization goes back to 1988, when there was no basic infrastructure in Fondwa. By basic infrastructure, it is meant that there was no access to roads, drinkable water, health care, education, telephone, …show more content…
electricity, financial services or technical assistance for agricultural activities. Due to the constant lack of assistance and isolation, the people of Fondwa and their neighbors decided to take matters into their hands. They identified the largest problem as young people leaving the village because of a lack of:
• Opportunities
• Stable roads which would enable them access other parts of the country
• Educational opportunities
• Healthcare facilities and drinkable water
• Technical assistance to the farmers in the community
• Financial support to the small entrepreneurs and small businesses
• Social services from the government To remedy the situation, they create a project of integrated rural development under the name of the Association of the Peasants of Fondwa, the APF.
In order to fulfill the right to education and “full development of the human personality, which is article 3-26 of the civil and cultural rights of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the APF have built a home for children at risk cared by the Sisters of Saint Antoine. They housed over 65 children up to the earthquake of January 2010, which made the house collapse. However later on, the place was rebuilt with the help of partners and friends. The APF built a clinic to provide health according to article 10-11 of the Universal declaration.
Access to the hospital was really difficult due to the fact that people who live in far regions could not get there unless they walked for miles, or take a bus while hoping that they will make it there. The APF clinic brings healthcare closer to people, and the opportunity to buy medications at a lower rate.
As far Agriculture goes, the APF is helping the Fondwa community to fight against deforestation, which happen to cover a lot of ground as forestation drops from 60 percent to 2 percent in the in less than 20 years. In addition, the agricultural yield is really decreasing as a result of deforestation, which is directly caused by erosion. The agricultural help involves building irrigation reservoirs, tree-plantings programs, and educate peasants, children, and any other involved party concerned about the issue.
The biggest challenge the APF has faced was the earthquake of January 2010. They had to rebuild everything and start almost all over again. The lack of support from the government should also be mentioned as some projects require government approval, and in many instances it is a process that takes a long time. Up to this day, the FPA remain a solid and functional organization evolving steadily towards bettering life in the Fondwa