
Case Study Borderline Personality Disorder

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Case Study Borderline Personality Disorder
Case Study 3 Reading through the case study of the 32 year old woman Kathy it seems that the patient is suffering from borderline personality disorder. Kathy explains of her not getting along with her sister or mother because of the fact that their jealous of her bond she had with her father who passed away several years ago. She feels extremely isolated from them and feels as if her brothers are selfish and don't care about her at all. She states that she has a few friends that are never their for her when she needs emotional balance. Something that shows strong borderline behavior is that she states that every single one of her coworkers are dishonest and backstabbers, which means that maybe its her causing the problems for all of them to not trust her. …show more content…
Before she even opens up about the relationship she wipes away tears as if she is changing moods instantly to talk about this changing her life drastically. Her first marriage she says was just to get out of the house. She stated that he was weak and very boring which caused her to act impulsive and cheat with an college professor. She moves in right with the professor after her husband files a divorce and she states that she get bored of her husband because he is an workaholic and doesn't pay her attention she deserves. Which is a sign of borderline personality disorder is that she goes to the club and meets another man who she instantly falls for and marries briefly after their courtship. She is getting stressed out because she feels as if she isn't attractive to her 3rd husband and that he is going to leave her. She gets severe headaches that the doctors don't have a cause for which is indicated that it may be coming from stress she is causing to her

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