The ethical issues that might arise with the Bully Survival Support Group (BSSG) will be possible bridge of confidentiality for all participants. Since a majority of the students are young and do not understand the importance of confidentiality, or are experiencing isolation, they might disclose information reported by a member to the bully either to gain protection or acceptance. On the other hand, the leader might disclose the disturbing information shared by students to the principle with the notion that she is attempting to protect the victim. In addition, if the school possesses a no tolerance for bullying policy, the principal might request information regarding the group session.
Another ethical issue that might arise …show more content…
Since ethical principles tend to conflict with cases like bullying such as hearing of a bullying occurrence or concern from a student and contemplating whether or not to report, the group leader will keep all information shared confidential unless disclosure is required. In a situation where the bully poses a threat to the life of the victim, a report will be made. The leader will also discuss with the school principal about her role as a group leader (social worker) as well as the obligation to her group members in regards to privacy and confidentiality. This will enable the principal (school) and the group leader to have a common ground on the limitations on what to report in respects to the group. In addition the group leader can encourage the group to write about what privacy and confidentiality means to them as well as a guideline on what to be done to make the group a safe place for disclosing their concerns. Finally, for the group leader to address her inability to work with the LGBTQ, she would have a co-facilitator who is more knowledgeable with helping individuals in this population. She can also attend workshops or seminars that will enable her learn how to help …show more content…
She can also add that she choose to run the Bully Survival Support Group because she thinks it is unfair that anyone should be bullied, and as well feels the need to support individuals who are victims of bullying as it is not their fault that they are being bullied, and being a bully victim does not make them any less important than every other student in the