2.1. Test Site
MUSA’s sculptures were originally submerged in 2009. MUSA is located in the Cancun-Isla Mujeres Marine Park, which is in the waters surrounding the popular tourist destinations of Cancun and Isla Mujeres. MUSA is visited regularly by a combination of SCUBA divers and snorkelers. The marine park charges three US dollars for entrance into the marine park. This money is given to the government to provide protection of the reef. However evidence has found that this may not always be the case in national parks; funding is either not sufficient or not used properly.30 When in the marine park snorkelers must have life jackets. It is requested that snorkelers and divers do not use sunscreen before entering …show more content…
With warm weather all year round, Cancun attracts visitors through all seasons. Questionnaires were collected from four dive schools in total, with the majority being collected from dive schools 1 and 2. The other questionnaires were opportunistically collected. Several dive schools were asked to allow data collection during or after trips to MUSA, out of those that agreed the most practical were selected. One dive school did not agree because they did not want to over question their customers. Data collection differed depending on the dive school. For dive school 1, questionnaires were given out on the boat returning from the dive, however dive school 2 used smaller boats, so their divers were given the questionnaires once they had returned to the dive school.
The dive schools were aware of the study, them seeing the questionnaire was avoided, as it could have changed the dive professionals behaviour. Divers completing the questionnaire were given information about the project and asked to sign a consent form before giving their opinions about MUSA.
All customers over the age of 18, that had completed a full dive to the museum without terminating early and able to read and write in English were asked to complete a questionnaire. Out of the 151 customers asked to take part, only 7 English speakers did not agree to take part, 5 due to time constraints, sea sickness and two divers gave no reason. Another 5 questionnaires were not analysed, as they were not sufficiently