Which girl never wanted to be Cinderella? However, as time goes by and children leave the fantasy world and that world does not catch the heart and the brain of new children something must be changed. And this is why marketing wise men is made for! Being the most important company inside the animation business the Walt Disney Company guided by the new CEO Bob Iger decided to face the changes on the market in order to regain their declining position. Those shows that no one can take a market for granted, even the big ones. When happy ends and lovely fairy tales are no longer convincing something must be done. Changes in the society and the new technologies developed a new approach among the Animation Studios. As the first big Studio in the area and the developers of the animation movies market the Walt Disney Company faced a decrease on its consumers and profits.
Remould the company’s marketing concepts and introducing new marketing plans Bob Iger put Disney back to the top. With the right approach Iger expanded the target market from the younger children to teenagers and even adults. They could bring back theyoung children, and diversify it caught the hard sustainable niche from 6-14 guys and in some cases adults. Other initiatives such as moving the TV channel to the basis cable and producing local versions enables a broad audience while programs like Hannah Montana on Disney’s Channel and movie
2. How does Disney’s cross-platform franchising help create sustainablecompetitive advantage?
Direct the focus of the changes to the stable of franchises enabled the WaltDisney Company to research and construct different strategies for each market nichethat they planned to go through. Therefore they could keep the company’s vision statement while diversifying the target markets. Doing so Disney avoid the risk ofmarketing myopia orientating its products