The overall marketing communication was fairly effective, but could be improved in a multitude of ways. The marketing communication planned was to use posters, signs and a spokesperson, but the use of a spokesperson was not followed through efficiently.
The planning of marketing techniques could have been done more effectively by including better …show more content…
The business plan lacked certain key aspects such as the suppliers, cash flow budget, projected profit and loss account, timetable of shifts and who will be taking them; and approval of each advertisement method. Lacking these components lowered the business’s overall performance.
The business objectives were slightly flawed by lacking certain characteristics. The business objectives in the business plan did not include what the business wanted to achieve within the timeframe they had. This main objective would have to be specific to how much the business wanted to achieve within the time given, agreed upon by all group members, and be a realistically achievable goal.
Without a list of suppliers and the delay for a list of costs the cash flow budget and the projected profit and loss account was delayed. The lack of time left for the project to be carried out forced the business to begin uncertain about its final outcome.
The unofficial timetable caused a miscommunication within the business, causing disorder and decreasing