¬ So, Linda going to classify the seven people that she met at the company by how these people stand at the company Gamble & Simpson. o Marie Doyle: She is the secretary of the department manager which is Mr. Constantin, and she belong to the user because she is the type of employee that going to use the product that Linda offer for the company. o Bill Constantin: I could be wrong, but according to what I …show more content…
Linda did amazing on the proposal and she said all the things that she needed in order to Mr. Constantin to understand the concept of the proposal. Somehow, after that meeting with Mr. Constantin, Linda met more people in Gamble & Simpson which makes her overwhelmed by the possibility that all of the people she’s met have the input in deciding whether or not to purchase her company’s products. The only advice that I can suggest to Linda to do is the be herself, what I mean is being herself reflect how transparent she is and how she available to negotiate with people easily especially with people that her first time