Hemophilia A
Hemophilia is a heritable genetic disorder, and is a recessive sex-linked trait carried on the X chromosome. Thus hemophilia is more common in males (XY) than in females (XX) since males only need one copy of the faulty gene to show the trait. In actuality, female carriers of the defective gene are almost exclusively asymptomatic carriers. Regardless, it is still a rare disease amongst boys. In this current time of advanced technology in medicine, hemophilia can be divided into three different forms (A,B,C) based on the deficiency of a particular blood clotting protein. The most common version of the rare genetic disease is Hemophilia A. 1 in every 5,000-10,000 boys represents approximately 80% of hemophilia cases in which there is a deficiency in clotting Factor VIII (Hemophilia KidsHealth). Due to the hemophiliac 's faulty coagulant factors, the disorder results in problems regarding blood coagulation (or blood clotting) for the individual with the defective gene. Therefore, the individual male diagnosed with hemophilia suffers from some or all of the following symptoms: excessive bleeding episodes known as 'bleeds ', bruising easily, re-bleeding scabs, chronic anemia due to multiple episodes of excessive blood loss, and in some occasions hematuria. Childhood Obesity
Obesity, in general, is a growing health concern in developed countries. Just like with adults, childhood obesity is diagnosed by a health care practitioner, usually a pediatrician, based on the child 's body mass index. BMI is a calculated value which represents human body fat based on an person 's height and body weight. However, childhood obesity is categorized a bit differently than adult obesity. The reason for this is because children are still growing as they age, especially during puberty. Therefore, BMI growth charts for children and teens are both age and sex sensitive, justified by the differences in body fat between sexes and among
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