Henderson bas
Toronto Head Office
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Problem Statement 3
Objectives, background, environment 3
Strengths 3
Weakness 4
Opportunities 4
Threats 4
Market and competitive analysis 5
Financial Analysis 5
Key Questions 5
Alternatives 6
Recommendations 7
Action plan 8
Executive Summary:
Henderson bas is an advertising agency originally established in 1996 under the name Cybersite by its current CEO Dawna Henderson. Its name was changed to Ninedots and in 2004 to Henderson bas. Later that year, MDC Partners Inc. purchased a controlling interest in the company.
Henderson bas has focused its efforts in online and interactive services with large clients including Capital One, eBay, Molson, Nike and others. It is “Canada’s most awarded interactive agency” and is the only agency that uses a market-driven strategy and creative. Their projects link to the client’s business and marketing objectives and are rated against key performance indicators. They then use Creative to optimize their campaigns for best marketing results.
The current Director of Client Services, Louisa Morgan, is trying to determine how to set a price for a new potential client Halpernia Industries who has already rejected two creative proposals presented to them by Henderson bas.
We will present options to Henderson bas for improving their pricing strategy while recognizing the importance of maintaining their relationship with Halpernia and future clients.
Problem statement:
Louisa Morgan must decide how to set a price for a proposed campaign for a potential major client Halpernia. Morgan has to balance the need to be profitable with the importance of a relationship with Halpernia and the appropriate level of service for this client.
Objectives and goals:
Henderson bas has developed a strong market niche in the interactive advertising industry in Toronto.