Hubbard Foods Ltd started up in mid-1988 and a private limited company. The company was originally named Winner Foods Ltd and only 4 employees at that moment, now currently has staff about 150.
In 1990, Dick¡¦s decision was made to introduce the Hubbard brand as the main brand for breakfast cereal products. The company¡¦s products set the price at both the high price range and low end of the cereal market.
Hubbard¡¦s has consistently built a culture around caring for others, creating employment and being socially responsible. In 2000, the company increased pay and allowances, and increased communication between management, the union and employees.
In 2000/2001, the company exported 14.4 per cent of its production mainly to Australia, but the small amount was exported to the United Kingdom, Singapore and Hong Kong and the turnover was $24.32 million, resulting the net profit before tax of $0.98 million. The market share was increased from 17.4% in 1998/1999 to 18.5% in 2000/2001. (Hanson, 2005)
The vision of Hubbard Foods Ltd is to provide sustenance for the mind, body and soul. The body means that a commitment to manufacture breakfast cereals and where appropriate, other food products that are innovation, nutritionally responsible and responsibly priced.
In addition, the company is concerned about social and people responsibilities, planet and environmental responsibility, and profits and financial responsibilities. Therefore, they pride themselves an innovation and embracing new technology and concept, and communication with their customer is huge importance to them.
Internal weaknesses
1.Lack of advertising
The company thinks that heavily advertising will cause the social pollution and it is not cost-saving measurement, and not matched with the company¡¦s policies.
2.Didn¡¦t be the strategic follower
The company didn¡¦t be the strategic follower may lost the position in the market because
Bibliography: Hanson, D., Dowling, P., Hitt, M., Ireland, R., & Hoskisson, R. (2005) Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Pacific Rim 2nd ed., Thompson Australia. VIC David F. R., Strategic Management Concepts, 8th ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Hubbard¡¦s food Ltd; Official website , 2005 (1-11-2005) Ebscottost searching engine;, 2005 (2-11-2005) Hubbard¡¦s food Ltd-press media release page;, 2005 (2-11-2005)