IBM provides business and IT solutions to help clients become more efficient and competitive. They use 5 major lines of business; global business services, global technology service, system and technology, software, and global financing. IBM transformed the knowledge sharing approach so that the access to information is easier for their employees. In so doing quicker service for their clients.
2. Provide your analysis of the case regarding approaches, results, and causes that lead to the outcomes
In the past IBM used their traditional approach such as Blue pages ( a corporate directory), practitioner support network ( a person brokered service), Blue groups, emails and distribution list management, forums with support for formal and informal amounts, and other means such as telephone and rolodex. Now they use knowledge sharing ideas such as professional development, knowledge sharing and collaboration. Within the new information sharing is a federated search for content, Small Blue/atlas, designating expert through IM, MY PLACE tab, social bookmarking, RSS feeds for website and summary of specific employee taggings. The new Knowledge sharing approach is easier and more efficient. Employees with content expertise add content to the web. Content is rated by others that reviewed it before and so you can choose higher rated items without having to browse other data.
3. If you were IBM, what would you do differently? Please pick two areas of interest to discuss.
I would make sure that the people who say they are experts in an area have a degree in that area and work in that particular field so that the content that they enter will be correct. I would also give a stipend to the people adding content so that it will not seem as if it is such an added chore to add data to the site.
4. What are your lessons learned?
IBM is constantly changing based on the needs