Answer 1
Roopali Deshmukh understood the specific objectives of her job and how these objectives and how these objectives fit in with the overall objectives set by the board of directors. Subsequently, she implemented the MBO process as a measure to improve the productivity of her sales team. Effective planning and consistent monitoring on her part as well as the team resulted in the successful implementation of the process. The phases of the MBO process which led to the successful accomplishment of the goals, are hereby discussed:
The top management instructed the targets, which set the overall organizational goals and communicated them to the people down the hierarchy.
As the marketing manager of the company, having daunting targets to achieve, Roopali initiated the MBO program, inviting participation from her sales team to increase organizational performance by aligning goals and subordinate objectives throughout the organization. The management did not interfere much with the means of achieving the objectives & gave adequate autonomy to its employees in the lower hierarchy to implement progress & achieve their plans.
She examined the current state of affairs, the levels of efficiency of her team, identifying the opportunities and threats that might have a subsequent impact, thus identifying the key result areas to be attained. She motivated the team to decide on their individual roles and responsibilities to achieve the same, and thus the company’s targets. The objectives for each member of the team were
References: Drucker, P. (1954) Practices of Management [Internet], 27th ed. Oxford, Elsevier Publications Ltd. Available from: < pry6XLvL02QC&printsec=frontcover&dq=practices+of+management&hl=en&sa=X&ei=6BRMUpmQCoqMrAe3-IHQCg&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=p ractices%20of%20management&f=false> [Accessed 2nd October 2013] Thomson, T (n.d.) Management by Objectives [Internet], Southern Nazarene University Press, Oklahoma. Available from: < rary/body/v20.pdf> [Accessed 2nd October 2013] Daffodil University (2009) Management by Objective [Internet], Daffodil University International Forum, Daffodil University. Available from: < http://forum> [Accessed 2nd October 2013] Jossey-Bass/Pleiffer (n.d.) MBO – Management by Objectives. The Pfeiffer Library Volume 20, 2nd Edition. Marketing World (2012) The Concept of Management by Objectives [Internet], Marketing World. Available from: < /03/mbo.html> Accessed 2nd October 2013]