Hamdi Ulukaya promotion and advertising budget was not the best. Hamdi Ulukaya and his fellow employees did not have enough in their marketing budget to advertise the product Chobani. So how did they promote their product? Hamdi Ulukaya and his team used a word of mouth and came up with advertising and promoting through social media. Their first page that came into existence was Facebook. On Facebook they talked about Chobani, the got closer with their consumers, they answered questions and they made sure they responded back to each question/comment they received as soon as possible. They took it into consideration to write back to mail by hand to show their appreciation included with free coupons. Hamdi Ulukaya also advertised by creating a tour bus named “CHOmobile. CHOmobile was a vehicle used to sample Chobani products. After all of the advertising by mouth, Facebook, and the CHOmobile, Hamdi Ulukaya finally had his first advertising campaign named “Real Love …show more content…
Hamdi Ulukaya made many different cup sizes to target market different audiences. For example, Hamdi Ulukaya made one cup name Chobani Bite, it is 3.5 ounces. Chobani Bite is a quick target market for those who would like to enjoy a quick snack. Hamdi then proceed to make a cup serving called Chobani Flip. A Chobani Flip is 5.3 ounces and it consist of a square proportional tray that has yogurt on one side and pie on the other for mixture of choice. The last style of Chobani I would like to list last is the Chobani Champion. The Chobani Champion target market kids, it is in a tube like substance where kids can grab and go as they please. Still today for a single cup the cost for a Chobani is $1.29. The main focus for place is for it to be placed in different places other than healthy stores, it is made for enjoyment of all