During his first year of law school, Natt was interested in law, however, was unsure about prac-ticing law. He heard about the joint degree program that coupled with the law program, added …show more content…
Nex-tel is used because it offers a two-way communication function, similar to a two-way radio, over cellular frequencies, but at a significantly reduced rate compared to standard cellular ser-vice. Nine handsets will be needed initially.
* Messenger bags with company logo.
Executive Summary
Cinelli Cadence(CC) is a company base in Los angeles,California that provide the transport of documents, and small parcels to clients such as Los angeles attorneys,clerk of court, law firms, etc. by using a bicycle. Cinelli Cadence also serve non-law-firm customer. But will not target this area that much. The main targeted customer for the company is Law firms.
Most importance things for the Law firms is reliability. The reason why it so importance because firms have many court imposed time constraints put on them that are inflexible.So,Cinelli Ca-dence will offer reliability and industry insight to law firms enabling. Cinelli Cadence will be able to rapidly gain market share by providing professional and reliable service. Cinelli Cadence will gain the profitability by month seven and will excess $200,000 of revenue in year …show more content…
This information will be used to better understand and who is served,what are their specific needs, and what is the best way to communicate with them.
Market Needs
Fast, Reliable document delivery service is the main focus for Cinelli Cadence that they provid-ing to its customers throughout the Los angeles downtown area. Two try to look for the ways to fulfill the following benefits that are importance to their customers.
* Professionalism The firm will not use a service that is not professional to avoid any type of “halo effect” where the actions of the delivery service can cause the firm to also look unpro-fessional as same as a result of that service act.
* Expedited Service Law firm conduct business within a set of closely monitored under the court imposed rules of punctuality. But, this is not make the Cinelli Cadence to be concern about that. Because the Cinelli Cadence utilize a useful backup system that make sure the prompt is