An AHP study will be setup by, amongst other things, establishing a hierarchy. After the AHP method is ready to be used, a survey is designed in order to retrieve general information about the participants and get insight in the preferences of the participants for different criteria.
By applying the AHP analyses, of which the results will be elaborated on in chapter 7, weights per criteria can be …show more content…
There are numerous incentives for car buyers to switch to electric cars, there are however not that many people that actually shift. In this research a case study will be used in which the most important criteria, influencing the choice for an electric car will be determined per stakeholder grouping. This provides insight on which aspects policy makers and/or electric car manufacturers should be focusing.
Car emissions keep on rising and therewith threaten the environment on a global scale. Next to the fact that the conventional fuel supply is coming to an end, extensive research by lots of different institutions has indicated that electric cars are a good solution in order to overcome the environmental pollution and conventional fuel exhaustion. On the other hand it is clear that the majority of people have not switched to electric cars yet. Therefore the problem for this case study is defined as follows: We do not know what the most important criteria are for the widespread acceptation of electric cars in the …show more content…
The general idea is to ask questions related to two segments: o Market segmentation questions o Questions about age, gender etcetera o AHP related questions o These questions will be stemming from all factors present in the hierarchy presented in figure 6 on the previous page. The goal is to find participants preferences of one criterion over another.
The survey is setup as understandable as possible. This should enable almost everybody to participate ranging from a young PhD student to an old fashioned grandma whom only attended primary school. In order to make sure the survey was sufficiently clear the questions have been tested and evaluated by means of the Three Step Test Interview (TSTI) (Hak, 2004). The TSTI is included in appendix A.
After stepwise improvements the final version of the survey is spread by means of online distribution. SurveyGizmo is the online survey tool that is used to construct and conduct the survey (Surveygizmo, 2014).
In appendix B more information is provided regarding the content of the survey. An overview of the survey presentation is