In the case of ultrasound technology in India, in order …show more content…
As a result, GE Healthcare can continue to do their business in India – producing and selling ultrasound technology. Another point of view about Indian society, laws are on the books to combat issues such as selective sex tests and abortions but they are ineffective at best. “Sex selection tests and abortion on the basic of gender have been banned for 15 years in India. United Nation figures that 750,000 girls are aborted every year in India” according to the BBC. Despite the law, some people used ultrasound for fetal sex testing services. Everything has its reasons so why Indian do not care about the law. There are some reasons to answer this question. Firstly, if pregnancies from India do not use this kind of machine, when they born their babies if that baby is a boy so the family will be very happy but not, when that baby is a girl, the family will have bad future because the birth of a daughter implies a “double loss”. What this mean is, the daughter will cost money to bring up and the dowry and wedding ceremony will drain family finances and parents could go into life-long debt. According to a study by Williams College Department of Economics and the World Bank Development Research Group, “the average dowry for the wedding ceremony can amount to three to four times a family’s total assets. Therefore, if a bride enters her husband’s home without an adequate dowry, she has to face the wrath of her husband and his family. Secondly, after marriage, the daughter will leave her household to serve her husband and husband’s family. As a result, parents are scared of that they will have any the help in their old age if they do not have a son. Third, if female baby survives her birth, she is faced with discrimination throughout her life. Although after birth, boys are at less lower risk of childhood death than girls. Male babies