Park-John Medical Center is a full-service for profit community hospital located in heart of Plantation, FL that provides a wide range of healthcare services to residents in Central Broward County for over 50 years. Park-John Medical Center is a 356-bed hospital that serves a diverse population from surrounding cities most of which falls under the low-income population.
For the past 10 years Park-John former Director of Patient Registration, Iris Foote, has successful ensure that registration personnel comply with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) rules and guidelines by making sure anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance …show more content…
Cannon found out that it is been done as a directive from the Director Ms. Foote since she was the manager and so the practice continued. Several staff members raised their concern and indicated that it is one of the reasons for the rapid staff turnover; registrar personnel who are not comfortable with the practice usually walk away from the position. Mr. Cannon requested a meeting with his director Ms. Foote to address his concern. At the meeting, Mr. Cannon advised Ms. Hand-Juan of his finding and wanted to know if what was aware of what was happening. Ms. Hand-Juan replied, yes I am aware, it is my idea, we are a for-profit hospital and must meet our quota with our cooperate office. The only way we can meet our quota and be in the top five on a monthly basis is if we collect. We are not here to offer free service to the community we must collect money so we can pay you and the rest of the …show more content…
Cannon leadership quality brought many changes to Park-John Medical Center; he developed a working relationship with Ms. Hand-Juan that is built on understanding and trust. Employees were allowed to give their input and a suggestion box was put in place just in case an individual does not want to speak up. Employee’s moral changes, they give feedback and look forward to coming to work. One employee advised finally I am able to make a difference in someone life by doing what is right. Most important Park-John Medical Center was not seen as the place where people wish they would not have to go but as a hospital where people lives matters regardless of their ability to