Case study of the troubled history of the Airbus A380
Aschcroft International Business School
Systems and Operations Management
Department: Accounting & Information Systems
Module Code: BB215010S
Word count: 2998
Academic Year: 2010/11
Semester 2
Executive summary
In this paper, it applied knowledge learnt in this course into the troubled history of the development of Airbus A380. The three times repeated delays caused serious loss for the Airbus. It first analyzed the role of system and operation management in promoting business in Airbus. Whether the operation management and system is integrated with the business of the development of A380 will be discussed. The project to design and manufacturing is so complicated and it is difficult to find the clear problems and resolve it. Therefore, the soft system methodology is used to analyze and define the problems. Then based these problem, recommendations about system and operation management are brought out to improve the efficiency of business. Moreover, some suggestions with regard to people issues, technological issues, and organizational issues are also provided at the conclusion part of this paper. Many academic books and journals has been reviewed and referred to develop this paper.
Contents Page
1.0 Introduction 4 1.1 The background of this case study 4 1.2 The aims, contents of this paper 4
2.0 Analysis of systems and operation management 5 2.1 Analysis of operation process of A380 5 2.2 Analysis of system 7 2.2.1 Decision making for different levels of business 7 2.2.2 The role of system 8 2.3 The integration of operation and system within the business 9
3.0 The application of soft system methodology 10 3.1 How soft system methodology can help analyze the situation 10 3.2 How soft system methodology can help define the business requirement 12
4.0 Recommendations and conclusions
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