Chanel has long been against the idea of an e-commerce platform due to the lack of intimacy and exclusivity the e-commerce provides. The Internet is too impersonal for this type of luxury and takes away from the beauty and details that go into defining a true luxury experience. Chanel chose to entrust its first e-commerce emergence with the online multi-retailer Net-A-Porter with a six piece capsule collection only available for a limited time. The small collection debut allowed Chanel to determine whether or not its clients would be interested in purchasing their pieces. As Ryan Clark, Founder of Luxury Branded stated, brands need to handle their own e-commerce in order to achieve more direct profit instead of having to share it with …show more content…
has put a great deal of effort into creating a seamless digital experience that incorporates its brand and ingenious ideals to make jewelry a part of the everyday life of its client. Evolving from its original web platform, Tiffany has updated its site with high-resolution images, a description of the history of its pieces and collections and gives the option for some pieces to be shown on a model (Figure 13). Tiffany & Co. has taken a large step in immersing its clients into the Tiffany culture by adding the history all around during the shopping experience. Figure 14 shows the current desktop view of one of its collections, Tiffany T + Atlas. The digital experience becomes more about sharing the history and intelligent luxury of Tiffany rather than just focusing on having luxury universe that invites to become a part of the brand and understand the time and quality it takes to create unique and artful masterpieces crafted with the client in mind. The client is not left out of the dream, but more so, takes part in the dream every step of the way. This is how Tiffany has built its brand; on the basis that every interaction with the brand builds trust and keeps the client coming back to enjoy another wonderful