Case study 1. The middle aged female nurse is a mother of two. She lives with her partner and has a possibly busy work life. Her work entails walking and standing a lot. Rheumatic arthritis makes it extremely painful to walk around and hold stuff. Rheumatic Arthritis causes her a lot of pain as she works. At home, pain is from bonding sessions with her family, personal grooming and doing house chores. (Peter, J 2006)
Her behavior changes as she adjusts to her condition. She tends to avoid a lot of movement and strenuous jobs. She seeks more help at work from her colleagues. This makes her feel more dependent on others. She does not have a comfortable relationship with her patients since she cannot attend to their medical needs, sit with them for longer and adjust their beds and pillows easily for comfort since she is under pain. At home, she limits her playing sessions with the children. She seeks more assistance from her partner than before. Her children have to learn to do simple jobs by themselves. They feel distanced from their mother and do not understand why. The mother sees these emotions and distance and emotionally, it hurts and drains her. Her partner has to play mum and dad to the children. He is more tired than before. As a result, they can blame the wife for her sickness. Eventually, the nurse feels like she is a liability to the hospital and her friends. She feels lonely and less useful and helpless at home. She develops stress and anxiety. She is less social and happy. She puts on weight due to the depression and reduced muscle activity. Emotional breakdowns are manifest in new behavior such as high irritability, lack of or increased appetite for sugar and high calorie food, too much time spent watching TV or reading alone. Her cognitive responses change. According to cognitive theory, she expresses her emotions as she feels them, be they positive or negative, mild or strong.
References: .COMPTON, Michael T. 2010. Responding to Individuals With Mental Illnesses. Boston : Jones and Bartlett Publishers. D 'ADAMO, Peter J. 2006. Arthritis:Fight It With the Blood Type Diet. New York: Berkley Books. KENDALL, D. 2008. Sociology in Our Times. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning. RESTLE, F. 1975. Cognitive Theory. New Jersey: Lawrence Earlbrum Inc. SCHALOCK, R. L. 1997. Quality of Life: Application to persons with disabilities. Washington D.C.: American Association on Mental Retardation.