R/s Charmie (16) is pregnant and she currently staying with her boyfriend and his mother. R/s Sandra (mom) has no stable housing for Charmie and McKayla (14). R/s for the last 5 to 6 months Sandra and the children were staying wherever they could stay with different people. R/s on last Sunday, Sandra dropped McKayla off to Charmie because she didn’t have nowhere for McKayla to stay. R/s McKayla is now staying with her cousin, Sherry.…
The reporting party (RP) met with former resident Crystal Espinoza while in her current placement with Helen Torres 6315 Tobago Ct., Bakersfield CA 93313 (661) 716-1104 facility #909432827 FFA Legacy Behavioral Services. During the interview Crystal disclosed that at her prior placement with foster parents Dianna and Raymundo Morales she was treated inappropriately. The foster child stated that she and her foster sisters Tabitha Farris and Esperanza Bravo were called pendeja (stupid), cabrona (bitch), and mensa (dumb, idiot, stupid). Crystal stated the foster mother would judge the way that the foster children ate and would compare them with the foster mother's daughter Gabby. The foster child stated on one occasion she wanted to buy ice cream…
The reporting party stated Cera and her son Jake AWOL'd from the facility and had not returned. Information was obtained from another resident, Bobbi Thomas who stated Cera and her friend Briella age 17 and her 1 month old child were gone the weekend as they were "going on the blade" referring to they were prostituting. Subsequently was reported both teen moms went their babies with other people/friends who were staying in the hotel room. It was unknown if the babies are in the same hotel or hotel room as the mothers while they are actively prostituting. Bobbie stated the mothers are reporting their babies are safe. According to the reporting party there are no restrictions on with whom the mother can leave their children. The reporting party has limited information and not sure the information obtained is accurate. The reporting has no idea where the mothers and babies could be. Additionally the reporting party has no information regarding the friends who are caring for the…
Some of the possible reasons caseworker were not aware of the conditions in the Jackson home could have been due to the fact that the Jackson made have put up a front every time the caseworker came over by pretending to like and do for the kids, or it could have been that the caseworker knew about the condition but just did not care. It is very hard to believe that these caseworkers really did not know that these kids were being abuse and mistreated.…
SC, Jennifer Stoker contacted Evelyn day via telephone. SC introduced herself and told provider that she was Cheryl’s SC. SC asked if Cheryl has Cherly improve in making her bed. Evelyn noted yes . She makes her bed up daily . S C asked if Cherly address has change. Evelyn noted her address is still 756 Racheal St. Grand Prairie , Tx . SC noted she will being a home visit today. Evelyn noted okay.…
And even then, it wasn’t Casey who called the Sheriff’s office to report that Cay lee had been abducted. Casey’s mother Cindy Anthony called the Sheriff’s office on July 15, 2008 at 8:44pm. Cindy told the dispatcher that she needed a deputy to come to her house and she hadn’t seen her granddaughter in a month. When the Sheriff arrived Cindy explained to him that they got a letter in the mail that Casey’s car was in a tow yard and needed to be picked up. So George went to go pick up her car and the car smelled like there had been a dead body in it. The sheriff pulled Casey to the side to ask her some questions about when she last seen her daughter. Casey told him that she had dropped Cay lee off at Zany, her nanny’s house at the Saw grass Mills Apartment complex on June 16, 2008. Zany told Casey she was keeping Cay lee because Casey wasn’t acting like a mom. Casey told the Sheriff she didn’t report Cay lee missing sooner because she was out looking for her. Police detectives later found out that although Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez did exist, she had never met Casey nor Cay lee Anthony, any member of the Anthony family, or any of Casey’s…
Most of the time the neighbor would come to Berry’s house to watch the child. On November 6, 1998 Jamie needed to go to a meeting. Jamie had not talked to Berry that day because he was very busy. The child was having a bad day because he was teething and did not take his nap. The child finally fell asleep in the playpen that Jamie had in the kitchen. Jamie didn’t want to wake the child so she went across the hall to see if the neighbor could watch the child while she went to her AA meeting. The neighbor was home but wanted to stay at her house so Jamie set up a baby monitor and gave the neighbor the other baby monitor to listen in on the child. Jamie was stressed that day and on the way to her meeting she decided to stop by the bar. When she was there she ordered a drink but did not drink it because she knew that it was not the right thing to do and she had come so far that she didn’t want to screw up now. She decided to go straight home to see the child and did not relapse. Dana Dowright (Social Worker), Berry and Jamie’s social worker saw Jamie at the bar. Social worker knew Berry was not home and went to check on the family at their residence. At about…
On October 25th, in a Manhatten apartment, Marina Krim, came home to find two of her children, Lucia and Leo, dead in the bathroom. Leo, age 2, and Lucia, age 6 were found stabbed to death. The mother, Marina, witnessed the nanny stab herself with a kitchen knife. The families nanny, Yoselyn Ortega with two accounts of murder. The grand jury indicted first and second-degree murder on both deaths of the children. There has not been an explanation of why these murders took place.…
Taken From Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story is based on the true story of Tiffany Rubin whose son was kidnapped by his own father (Jeff). Things didn’t quite work out for the couple, so they decided to get a divorce and go through a custody battle for their son Kobe. Kobe's father believed that he didn't get custody of his son because the American government was biased against him. He believed that he deserved custody of his son, even though he obviously didn't have his life together. However, a judge orders that Jeff must have visitation rights. Tiffany agrees to let Jeff take Kobe out of state for a week-long visit to Disneyland. After several days, she discovers that Jeff and Kobe are not at Disneyland. The police investigate and find that Jeff…
Mrs. Cordell stated her understanding of why Max and Zoey where removed from the home is due to drug usage by Melissa and Anthony, the parents of the children. The assessor read Mrs. Cordell the facts of the affidavit as to why Max and Zoey were removed out of the care of Melissa and Anthony. Mrs. Cordell stated she recently moved to Temple after being informed of CPS involvement and stated she was not aware of any drugs usage until she saw her son Anthony. Mrs. Cordell stated she knew Anthony was using drugs after looking into his face. Mrs. Cordell stated she believes the allegations of drug usage for Melissa and Anthony.…
Tiffany is on drugs which she gets from Damien. Damien is also on drugs. He drives with the children in the car but he has no license,no insurance, no car seats and he is on drugs when he drives them. He and his mother tell the children if they go see their mother they will be raped at there. Damien beats the children's mother in front of the children. He threatens to kill her if she reports him and the children hear this. He also threatens to burn down the house of Sue and Tiffany…
"Hello, we got a call from Haverly Elementary School about a miss Holly Youthgaze. I've been told that the parents of said child have not been answering any calls or emails, are they home at the moment?" He asked…
Mrs.Coles: Right! That’s enough, Jack! We’ve had the police, the social workers, the teachers, the lot! All poking their noses in, trying to say it was our fault! Well, it’s not! And I’m not having our family business told to some school kind!…
Amber Thorne was arrested and charged with capital murder and aggravated robbery on December 29, 2011. She was born on August 28, 1989. She lives at Sivilermill in Katy. She works at signature dry cleaner. Thorne has had an extensive history of drug abuse problems dating back to her teens. According to her testimony, she along with two others, Joseph Facundo and a man name Tony conspired to rob her drug dealer Russell Lopez for money and drugs. She always gets the drugs from Russell on a weekly basis so he had no difficulties doing the exchange in his own house. Russell Lopez was the guy who got killed. During the conversation Russell was feeding his kids who made Amber change of heart from her actions but it was too late. Joseph grabs a hammer that was hanging in his side pocket and kept striking Russell in the head. Tony tied the children up in the bedrooms then dragged Russell into the master bedroom; then called Joseph who had the sword and slit his throat but left the children unharmed. They grabbed as much jewelry, electronics, money, TV etc. as they could and put it in the back of Russell’s tundra truck which they took to a vacant house next to Amber’s house. They then burned the truck trying to get rid of as much evidence as possible. Last in a week Amber was caught selling some the stolen possessions to an undercover police detective. During her witness her lawyer stated that her client had no purpose in the murder that Joseph Facundo and Tony committed. The witness also stated that she had only intended to rob Russell but not commit murder. Amber’s lawyer was trying to…
I suddenly felt that it hadn’t been Mr. Clifton; maybe it had been someone else. When I picked my daughter up that afternoon I began to try and talk to her. Before I could bring up anything of that matter, her mouth began to pour critical details. She began to talk about one of the high school aids at the daycare, Sean. She discussed how Sean was “the coolest” and that he would give the kids prizes. I began asking what the prizes were for. Amelia had said that Sean would give those prizes if they would do certain things that would please Sean and if they wouldn’t tell…