Quantative approach simply means operation research or management science focusing on the improvement of managerial decisions (P.Robbins (2010) Management,11th edition). That is why Mr.Keyes is a big fan of quantative approach.He thought using scientific method for the work to be done is one of the best way.Hiring the best qualified employee,producing higher productivity with the less usage of wasted motion etc shows an effective effect to achive the organizational goal.With the help of this scientific management,he just introduced a new business strategy that included de-emphasizing the unprofitable total Access online service,in favor of an in-store,retail-oriented model.(www.blockbuster.com)
Q2. Organizational behavior stands for studying the action of people at work (P.Robbins (2010) Management,11th edition).It includes an almost equal division of the work between the management and workmen and the responsibilities too.This management takes over all work of which they are better fitted.Yes of course,Mr.Keyes and other top managers would need to understand OB.Because “OB knowledge benefits everyone by addressing the people issues needed to apply technical knowledge and skills.”(www.businessweek.com) .Specially it provides the knowledge of “how” to address the customers issues when applying ideas in organizational settings.They should know every person’s behavior and need to motivate their employee.They also had to assign the proper leaders according to their ability with proper incentive.
Q3. EXHIBIT 2-7 Blockbuster As A System
CDs,DVDs,computers etc comes 1st under the raw materials for the input process.And then Human Resources plays an important role as an input to distribute the CD’s,DVD’s.So all these are the important factors for input.
Transformation process
Selling CD’s and DVD’s to the customers along with their proper concerns and guidance comes under this process.”If business
References: : (www.nytimes.com) ,(www.businessweek.com) ,(www.blockbuster.com) .