Case study on Google’s innovation and entrepreneurship, and compare with the Academic theory
Due: Tutor: Dr, Jaime O.Umali Name : Student ID: Words: 1764
1, Background/Introduction
With the development of economy, innovation and entrepreneurship has become a pervasive subject. There are many definitions of entrepreneurship from deferent scholar. According to Venkataraman, S, we define the field of entrepreneurship as the scholarly examination of how, by whom and with what effects opportunities to create future goods and services are discovered, evaluated, and exploited (Venkataraman, 1997). Innovation is the creation of new ideas, methods, or things. They are interacting each other between Innovation and entrepreneurship. In a successful case of entrepreneurship, the innovation always throughout all stages which include discovery of opportunity, analysis of opportunity, making decision to exploit the opportunity, and mode of exploitation of opportunity. They influence each other and inseparable.
Google is one of the most well-known successful organizations in the world. which was established by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in September 1998 in a car barn. Followed by a series innovation and entrepreneurial behavior, Google progressed rapidly. It is a very good example to illustrate and contrast with the theory above. I will undertake research on Google and examine examples or incidents that Googles’ approach and identify examples that illustrate the following five concepts;
2, Analyse the process of opportunity discovery at Google.
Discovery of opportunity is the first stage of entrepreneurial innovation. When the opportunity emerged, some people see the opportunity and others do not. The reason of the difference is that, people have different individual factors and different
References: Klie,Shannon, 2010. Google’s innovation imperative. Canadian HR Reporter, (September 20, 2010), 14, 16. Scott, Shane; Venkataraman, S. Academy of Management. The Academy of Management Review 25.1 (Jan 2000): 217-226. Venkataraman, S.1997.The distinctive domain of entrepreneurship research; An editor’s perspective. In J.Katz &R.Brockhaus(Eds). Advances in entrepreneurship,firm emergence, and growth, vol.3.119-138.Greenwich, CT;JAI Press.