Case Study on Mentoring Program at TVH
Prepared For
Mr. Omar Faruq
Assistant Professor,
Department of Business Administration
East West University
Prepared By
Mohammad Easin Arafat
ID: 2013-2-95-051
East West University
East West University
10th August, 2014
Introduction: 4
Back Ground of the Case: 5
Theoretical Background 6
1. What is Mentoring program? 6
2. The Objectives of Mentoring: 6
3. What are the benefits of mentoring? 6
4. Different types of mentoring models in a structured program: 8
Problems and Recommendation: 9
Question 01: If I am Paul Sanders, How would I deal with the raised issues in the Mentoring Program at TVH? 9
Question 02: What would make the mentoring program a success? How would we define Failure? 11
Question 03: Under What circumstances would we choose these training Processes (Mentoring Program)? 13
Conclusion: 14
References: 15
Mentoring is most often defined as a professional relationship in which an experienced person
(the mentor) assists another (the mentoree) in developing specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the less-experienced person’s professional and personal growth. Mentorship is a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. Mentoring can improve employee satisfaction and retention, enrich new-employee initiation, make the company more appealing to recruits, and train the leaders. And the best part is, it 's free. Unlike similar learning incentives like training programs or offering to pay for courses, mentoring utilizes the resources that the company already has.
This case study on the Mentoring Program at TVH (Group Thermote & Vanhalst) has illustrated a true facts and issue in the monitoring program at any growing company. In the mentoring program the conflict between the younger employees
References: Boreen, J., Johnson, M. K., Niday, D., & Potts, J. (2000). Mentoring beginning teachers: guiding, reflecting, coaching. York, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. Carger, C.L Cheng, M. & Brown, R. (1992). A two-year evaluation of the peer support pilot project. Evaluation/Feasibility Report, Toronto Board of Education. ED 356 204. Clinard, L