You are a support worker for Mrs Ahmed who is 89, physically frail and lives alone. She has diabetes. Mrs Ahmed wants to eat foods that are not suitable for her medical condition, and asks you to shop for her as she is not able to get to the shop herself.
Bi – Describe the difficulties for you in exercising your duty of care and upholding Mrs Ahmed’s right to choose. I had a duty of care towards Mrs Ahmad as I am her support worker. Therefore, firstly, I would advice Mrs Ahmad to not eat foods that are not suitable for her medical condition, and stress the importunateness that Mrs Ahmad eats health. However Mrs Ahmad is very capable of making her own choices about what she should and shouldn’t to eat. Although Mrs Ahmad has asked me to shop for her, she is in my duty of care; in this case I would seek advice.
Bii – Where could you go to get advice, information and support to deal with the dilemma. Firstly I would speak to my manager, and explain the situation. If my manager asked me to seek further advice, I would then speak to Mrs Ahmad’s family and ask them and Mrs Ahmed if I was ok to go and speak to her GP about the situation, and ask the GP if there is a possibility that Mrs Ahmed is able to eat a little bit of what she would like.
Case Study Two
Leon Quashie lives in supported housing, He has learning disabilities. You are his support worker. Leon tells you he has a new friend who comes to his home and plays on his games console. A few days later you notice that the games console is missing. Leon tells you his new friend has just borrowed it.
Biii – Describe the difficulties for you in exercising your duty of care to Leon and upholding his rights. As Leon’s support worker I would explain to Leon that I am there to protect him from people taking advantage of him or from him being exploited. I would also ask Leon if I was ok to ring his friend up and ask him to return the console. I would explain to Leon, that if the console was not returned