Case Study
Ori Shema
SAE Institute
Byron Bay
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Audio Production
Student Details
Student name: Ori Shema
Student number: 109046
Unit code: BAP205
5th November, 2013
Word count: 758
Module Leader/Lecturer: Jan Muths
Table of contact
Introduction ………………………………………….………………...….3
Impulse response comparison ……………………………….…..……..…3
- Eurodesk – Left & Right loudspeakers .………………………..….3
- Neve – Left & Right loudspeakers ..…………………………..…...4
Control Room A – Left and Control Room B – Left comparison ……......4
Cumulative Spectral Display .……………………………………….....…5
- Control room A – Left: ………………….……………………....…5
- Control room B – Left: ………………….…………………………6 …show more content…
I used a Behringer ECM8000 microphone to measure the control rooms. I measured with The
Eurodesk’s Genelec 1031A loudspeakers and the Neve’s Tannoy FSM in-wall loudspeakers.
For the measurements I placed the ECM8000 in the listening spot between the loudspeakers in a triangle equal distance between the loudspeakers and the microphone and use the SPL meter the measure a level of approximately 85dBSPL.
I used a stimulus signal sample of 16 seconds frequency sweep from the software
“Fuzzmeasure”. This was recorded 3 times for each loudspeaker to detect accidental mistakes if they