From: Michael Pitz
Date: February 12, 2012
Subject: Pelican Stores Coupon Promotion Results
Coupon Promotion Results
I have prepared specific descriptive statistics regarding the results from the coupon promotion day. These descriptive statistics such as the relationship between net sales and descriptive statistics on net sales by various classifications of customers, as well as the descriptive statistics concerning the relationship between age and net sales can help us further understand our target audience and ultimately boost total sales for Pelican Department Stores. By identifying our mean, median and mode regarding each variable (marital status, type of customer, gender and age), we can further understand the relationships between our variables.
Descriptive Statistics on Net Sales:
Descriptive Statistics on Net Sales by Various Types of Customers
Descriptive Statistics Concerning Age and Net Sales
Correlation Between Items Sold and Net Sales
OBSERVATIONS: * Regular customers had a mean of $61.99 and the customer using a coupon had a mean of $84.29. There is a difference of $22.30 between the average Net Sales of the two types of customers. This shows that customers receiving the promotional discount spent more money on average than the regular customers at Pelican Stores. The promotion coupons were a great way to bring in a higher volume of customers and raise the average ticket price for each sale * There is no positive or negative correlation between age and net sales. No particular age group spent more money than any other, though it is clear that women spend much more money at Pelican Stores than men. * There is a positive correlation between the number of items sold and net sales. Customers who purchased more items spent more