Sheri Johnson
September 29, 2014
Aaron Manley
Manufacturing Strategy
Riordan Manufacturing uses a stable workforce with variable work hours as the production strategy. “Riordan Manufacturing 's China plant operates as a decentralized unit of Riordan Manufacturing. It prepares its own forecast of electric fan sales throughout the world, which includes the United States. ”Riordan schedules production of these fans to meet the forecasted sales” (Riordan, 2014, Operations, p. 1). The benefits of using this type of strategy are that Riordan work schedules are flexible to meet the production based on the quantities forecasted at the beginning of the year (Jacobs & Chase, 2011, p. 534). This also provides …show more content…
The charges are competitive and worth the stable relationship it provides Riordan. The relationship globally that Riordan has with shipping internationally is with FedEx or a Chinese shipping company that competes with FedEx. The relationship between the two is business relationship and is used to its fullest potential. Each party knows what is expected of them and until one end of the bargain is not met, the relationship will remain amicable (Riordan Manufacturing Operations, 2014).
The supplier location is in Hangzhou, China, and is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with annual earnings of $46 million. Riordan does however, have supplier locations in Albany, GA and Pontiac, MI. The company is wholly owned by Riordan Industries, a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues in excess of $1 billion (Riordan, 2014, pg …show more content…
R. & Chase R. (2011). Operations and Supply Chain Management (13th ed). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin
Riordan. (2014). Operations. Retrieved on 22 September, 2014 at
Riordan Manufacturing. (2013). Supply Chain - Hangzhou, China. Retrieved from