In order to create demand, you should study what consumers are up to read and buy. So, if they are more up to buy electronic versions of the comic books the company should work on solutions and partnerships that would make it possible. Once you study what the clients demand, you should improve your product in an exclusive way; therefore, clients will feel special by buying your product.
As a small business company, they should look for partners or third-party contracts in order to produce in large scale and supply the demand. Despite the fact that being responsible for the whole production would bring more income to the company, trying to move production to a partner should be a good idea.
An economy that is recovering slowly brings a lot of challenges and opportunities, so that, you’ve to be aware of the business environment that surrounds you. You might create opportunities by looking for gaps that you see in the market.
A big company is not capable to supply the demand of all groups in the society, although they are good in what they do. So, small companies can focus on groups that are forgotten, and then find a great demand that will bring a huge income.
Their competition is against big comic books companies that distribute mass amounts of publications that can be very cheap to buy. That’s why the