1. The social identity issues presented in this case is that Catherine is used to the high standards, more professional attitudes. She was categorized in the more fitting environment to her own personality. She belongs to the highly regarded firm. When she transferred to the other company due to her family, she had a hard time trying to fit in to the new small firm. She had a different experience from the LJI Company. She was not comfortable in the new company. She still continues to dress formally but her new – coworkers consider her overdressed. With all the changes she has experienced, she still has maintained familiar piece of her past but it is not required in her new position. She still attends meetings and makes a point to update her knowledge.
2. Catherine was immediately impressed, she observed well, she appreciated the quiet, focused work atmosphere, she like how everyone was dressed: most of them wore suits, and their conservative apparel supported the professional attitudes, people spoke formally but friendly manner and seemed enthusiastic. Her evaluation foster her social identity by being a professional minded herself. She thinks that she would do very well in that company for it suits her likes and she was very much like them. She liked how the people acts and she thinks she really fits in that kind of environment.
3. Social Identity Theory because it made her know herself to by which she belongs. She felt being more like herself if she is in the environment which fits her more.
Discussion Questions: Part 2
1. LJI is a large company and more formal, quiet, focused work atmosphere, everyone was dressed: most wore suits, and their conservative apparel supported the professional attitudes, people spoke formally but friendly manner and seemed enthusiastic while Fenway is a smaller company, managers seem to wear many hats. I think Fenway has a little dirty environment due to the greasy materials and sometimes track the