Environment sustainability, is the ongoing preservation of essential ecosystem and their functions. The Collins Companies’ efforts to conserve, reduce and reuse, the energy, waste and water. Shows how their were making huge effort and change to be more environment sustainability. Economic sustainability is the ongoing ability of an economic systems to provide for all human needs, that we can make a profit and being sustainable. When the Collins Companies is make the changes to be more environmentally sustainable, they are slowly make a profit within a year it can be seen that make these changes does make a profit of one million dollars. Social sustainability is the ongoing ability of communities to provide for the well being of all the members. Even if the company is making a profit, it doesn’t mean that the community is getting a gain or making the community happy, everyone has a different mean of a gain and happiness. But the Collin Companies does their best to help. They give back to the community by many donations, scholarships, and helping with projects. As well, reusing the products and offering the waste to other
Environment sustainability, is the ongoing preservation of essential ecosystem and their functions. The Collins Companies’ efforts to conserve, reduce and reuse, the energy, waste and water. Shows how their were making huge effort and change to be more environment sustainability. Economic sustainability is the ongoing ability of an economic systems to provide for all human needs, that we can make a profit and being sustainable. When the Collins Companies is make the changes to be more environmentally sustainable, they are slowly make a profit within a year it can be seen that make these changes does make a profit of one million dollars. Social sustainability is the ongoing ability of communities to provide for the well being of all the members. Even if the company is making a profit, it doesn’t mean that the community is getting a gain or making the community happy, everyone has a different mean of a gain and happiness. But the Collin Companies does their best to help. They give back to the community by many donations, scholarships, and helping with projects. As well, reusing the products and offering the waste to other