The Cost of Living in Hawaii Why is it so high. …show more content…
The most frustrating thing about researching and studying economics, is
that so much of it includes so many different variables. This makes it extremely
difficult to really understand any economical situation, and everything that goes
into it. Due to this comparing several different situations is all but impossible. So I
have decided to only focus on the economic factors that cause basic living
expenses in the Hawaiian Islands to be far greater than in the continental 48
The first area I will examine is available land, land ownership, land
suitability, and how the demands of tourism effect living expenses in Hawaii. I will
also examine how Hawaii's existence as a island chain a significant distance
from any continent affect the price of goods. Finally I will examine how living
expenses are also influenced by Hawaii's connection to the greater United States
politics and economy. These are I believe the major forces that influence the
basic living expenses in this state. Before I examine these areas however I will
show how much more expensive cost of living in Hawaii is.
Hawaii has the highest cost of living in the United States according to the
US Commerce Department Bureau of economic analysis report in June 2014.
This report further states the cost of living is 16% higher than the national
average. A good example of this is that you may earn up to $54,800 and still …show more content…
qualify for housing assistance in Oahu in the family four may have an income of
$78,300 before being cut off from housing assistance. Hawaii also has the most
expensive electricity per kilowatt hour of $.37 while the national average is only
it seems that this continues in almost every variable from the average price
per gallon of gasoline to the price of food being more than 70% higher than the
national average.
Land in the state of Hawaii is scarce, as it is composed of an island chain
originally formed by volcanoes it is also quite mountainous. Most of it is
controlled by only a few landholders in fact the largest landholder with 365,000
acres is the Kamehameha school system they six other trusts control 24% of all
land in Hawaii. Due to the existence of only a few large landowners much of
Hawaii real estate uses a leasehold system. In this system the buyer only has the
right to use the land for a set number of years, it is not constant payments such
as rent but a one-time purchase. The result of land being difficult to purchase and
being quite rare on the market causes it to be extremely expensive. Unfortunately
due to the manner the Hawaiian Islands were formed much of the land is
extremely difficult to use being extremely rugged. With the increase in tourism
more land has been given over to nonresidential needs causing an even larger
increase in home prices for example due to the competition of deep-pocketed
Hawaii is near the center of the Pacific Ocean, it is nearly 4000 km west of
California, and 6500 km east of Japan. The small population of Hawaii being only
just 1.4 million causes increased shipping expenses due to small size of its
market Its geographic location presents numerous difficulties as well, the primary
one being it is simply in the middle of nowhere and as such shipping costs are
higher, a good example of this is in the 2014 rate and services guide for UPS,
“ for each UPS Next Day Air ® Early A.M.® package with a dimensional weight of
more than 150 pounds,multiply the weight by the price per pound and add $30.00
". I believe this shows that even regularly scheduled service to Hawaii simply
costs more. There is an additional problem facing shipping to Hawaii due to the
merchant Marine act of 1920, all shipping to American ports from American ports
must be carried in US flagged, owned, crewed, and built ships. This causes an
even higher expense in shipping than distance and time would allow, for example
is stated in the Maritime Executive August 5, 2014
yards is 3 to 4 times that of Korea or Japan. " With both distance and regulatory
difficulties it is no wonder that all imported goods in Hawaii are so much more
Hawaii is an expensive place to live, hopefully I have shown some of the
reasons in this essay. Unfortunately there are entirely too many more and as
dealing with most of the subjects of economics it seems that there are no simple
answers, all of the causes are not readily apparent and even economists with
vastly more experience do not seem to have all the answers. Though I will say
the political debate in Hawaii does seem to be more concerned with shipping,
transport, and land-use than most of the continental US so maybe this interest
will create more studies and thought to actually come to some irrefutable