First of all, thank you for your encouraging note.I would love to reply to your question on how we can make clinical decision based on whether the patient has dementia or very early stages of dementia that is undiagnosed. I was introduced to Global Deterioration Scale(GDS), at my workplace 3 years ago.I utilize this screening tool for tracking the disease process. The Global Deterioration Scale " is useful as a quick, standardized assessment of individuals with dementia which helps determinea clinical stage or level of dementia (Genesis Rehabilitation, 2004).In our clinical resource library, there is a dementia guide that "provides a cognitive frameworkfor assessment and treatment as well as universal approaches that promote …show more content…
optimal clincial outcomes in the patient with Dementia" (Genesis rehabilitation, 2004).I currently have been working at the senior citizens retirement community that houses a memory care unit for the past eight years.I have seen fair amount of patients at the memory -care unit that required skilled therapeutic interventions at some point in their course of stay.I have seen them initially at the stage lebel of 3 or 4 on the GDS scale and then gone all the way down to 6 and 7 scale.It takes a great toll on the loved ones to see their parent fade away.That is one reason why the rehab unit like to get started ta the very early stages as opposed to wait till the residents get to stage 6 and 7.
A systemic review on cognitive impairments of older adulyts revealed that "brief instruments to screen for cognitive impairment can adequetely detect dementia, but there is no empirical evidence that screning improves decision-making" (Lin,O'Connor,Rosso,Perdue &Eckstrom,2013, p. 601).There are several screening tools out there that the Speech Therapists and OTs use such as minim mental, 7 minute screen test , clock drawing test, The Allen Cognitive levels 1 through 6,Brief cognitive rating scaleetc to name a few, out of which, physical therapists are asked to perform the GDS scale during our evals, progress notes recerts etc to grade the level of cognitive impairment /Dementia level. Christ, Mcvay & Marocco (2013, p. 8), described the characteristics of the screening process, as "the tool used for any screening should be :inexpensive,easily administered and simple ,not too specialized". I strongly believe that patient's autonomy should be respected in regards to decideing whether he or she would want to go in for genetic screening.According to the latest research, as per the international journal of geriatric psychiatry, "the MOCA-S(Montreal cognitive assessment-Spanish) is a valid screening tool and is useful for identifying MCI and MD in Columbia" (Gil,L., Sanchez, Gil,F., Romero &Burgos,2015, p. 6550).Sir, I hope to have answered your
question. Thank You
Smitha James.