Our government decided that no one should be denied health care due to their income. In 1965, the Medicaid program was introduced. It is a government funded program that provides low-income families with health-coverage (Policy basics: Introduction to Medicaid, 2016). Although not all physicians have to except Medicaid, recipients are allowed to receive medical care as needed. For the residents in Gourmand, who could not afford food and were allowed to eat out as often as they wanted, while the government paid the bill, is similar to the Medicaid …show more content…
This is like the prepayment group established at the end of the case study. Under the ACA physicians are getting paid per patient that is seen (The Affordable Care Act's Payment and Delivery System Reforms: A Progress Report at Five Years, 2015). This means physician are more concerned with the number of people they see vs the quality of care. Ultimately, some people are paying high amounts in insurance while others are not paying anything, just to ensure that everyone is