The article is describing about a APP which provide GPS navigation and real-time traffic information, named as Waze. This app developed by Waze Inc. which is the first worldwide provider of community-based live maps and real-time road information. Waze want to help the drivers to reach their destinations smoothly in congested city. It collecting traffic information from every user who use the app in real time, if drivers carry a GPS-enable smart phone, Waze can collect the driver's location, travel speed and traffic information(such as accidents,construction)according to user's report. Then Waze can help other drivers selects the fastest path. This solution have a additional benefit: Waze can draw their own map by collecting travel route report by users.
The core of their business now is the user base since their business model is all around number of user’s. Waze plan to make money through location-based mobile ads for local businesses. At present, they rely on TV to growth up the customer base, that was successful way after practice. However, there are many mapping industry to compete with Waze, such as Trimble Navigation Ltd. , Garmin Ltd. , and Google etc., but they believe their advantage, faster update and unique features, have a chance to success.
Waze is a free real-time traffic insights and GPS navigation app, it provide alerts of accidents, road hazards and traffic jams to user for free. There are a huge navigation market worldwide, because of every drivers will need a navigator, and since Waze has the unique community-based road navigation function, makes the app more competitive.
Waze Inc. was founded in 2009, it is a Israeli navigation company. It hit 10 million users just before 2011 Christmas[1]. Then growth to 20 million in July, 2012. Waze’s users has reached 30 million worldwide by Nov, 2012, which means