John Haile
Professor Salsburey
Case Study 1) What is the activity utilization rate at each step in the process of providing care? What is the direct labor utilization?
Activity Utilization Rate
Front Desk
Registration 74%
Verification 77.37%
46% New Patients 31.37% Follow-Up Patients
54.4% Imaging
24.4% (new patients)
30% (follow-up)
Development of X-rays
Diagnostic Reading and Comments
22.2% (new patients)
26.66% (follow-up)
Return to Clinic
Examination Room
Surgeon 109.76%
Senior Resident
Direct Labor Utilization Rate 47.037% (Time Required/Time Available)
2109.6 / 4485
2) How is variability affecting capacity at the clinic? Can the source of the variability be controlled or eliminated? How
The clinic is struggling to process 74% of its capacity. This is primarily due to inefficiencies in the different areas that the patients travel through during their visit to the clinic. By removing some of the variables that slow the process, patients and employees would spend less time bogged down waiting for others to complete their portion of the visit.
The clinic has not eliminated unnecessary tasks and limitations in the order that patients are processed. Organize the process so that some things can get done while others are waiting to happen. They don’t reduce the load on individuals; for instance the surgeons work load is staggering. Should they even out the exams by dividing them 3 ways the process would be a lot more efficient.
The variable of taking X-rays and changing the machines positioning is too labor intensive, by organizing tasks and setting the machines up , (2 for upper and 2 for lower) and then allowing for variation with the remaining 2 machines, patients would process more quickly; this would add capacity and lower the backup of patients waiting. 3) Where is the bottleneck in the process? What other capacity constraints are there in the clinic?