• Concerns?
• Needs? During the AHO staff move the biggest issues were phones and computers. Not knowing where the computers came from and how to handle new phone extensions at different campus locations. Also, employees that have their phone messages emailed to their computers did not have a computer with speakers. Incidentally, seven speakers will need to be purchased.
Overall, Teri thought the move went well.
Briefly, Teri let the staff know that students were getting enrolled into the second week of the fall term. Kevin shared that the overall student enrollment was a 2 percent decrease and budgeted at 4 percent. Student enrollment is at 4300 and RCC is the eighth biggest College in the state.
Teri would …show more content…
o Teri will get with Amy Durst on chair prices.
• Per Jeremy, One key is needed for Debbie Talbott for A-14. Denise is checking to see if she has an extra key for A-14.
• Teri’s office doesn’t lock and Richard will check when he comes back from vacation.
• Per Jeremy, Richard has a master key list. Kim to ask Richard about getting a master key list.
• Get a key back from Mindie Goodwin and that key can go to Debbie Talbott.
What are the faculty professional development opportunities available at RCC?
Teri Teri reviewed the handout with the AHO team. There are professional development (PD) opportunities that don’t cost money. Also, Teri supports team members to be involved in committees. Please be aware, of the time it takes to participate in committees so you are not taking on too much.
If you are using flextime be sure to keep tracking on your calendar for PD.
Amy Durst is the new chairperson for the professional development process.
What are the steps to request flyers or colored documents through Marketing?
• SharePoint Work Order Instructions
Link: …show more content…
The copy machine upstairs will be moved to A-14 and the new copier will be moved upstairs.
Teri asked Kevin about distribution of funds toward a new energy assistant refrigerator, office supplies, and miscellaneous equipment needed. Also, other A-building departments are using AHO/SOHOPE copy machines and utilizing paper that comes out of AHO/SOHOPE funds.
AHA will monitor ACLS class for a training center.
Christine is will arrange a meeting with EMS staff that will be required for recertification class with streamline processes. There is no remote control in T1 and this causes problems with AHA DVD navigation. ¬¬¬
Action Items:
• Kim will create work order for three light installations in A-11 which gives facilities documentation for tracking purposes.
• CollegeNow instructor classes.
Carmen told the staff that Help Desk has put recycled containers by the copier for ink cartridges.
Carmen is getting DA websites updated when program applications will start. Carmen will meet with OIT about starting a hygiene program.
Action Item:
• Email E-team: program start dates.
• Carmen pulling together information on a new hygiene