Learner: Demetrice S. Campbell
| | MGT7019-8 | Douglas Buck | | | Ethics in Business | #3 Paper- Case study: What is Up With Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray | | |
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Running Head: What Is Up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray
What is up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray
Demetrice S. Campbell
Ethics in Business
November 11, 2012
Case Study of Goldman Sachs
What is up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray was a case study focused on the company Goldman Sachs and the unfolding of a horrible decision that affected the economic structure of our banking system, stock shares, and the government. Their strategies to make a more successful business, ended with them being greedy for more money and success. These strategies lead to questions of their ethical standards in their business practices. The company was founded by Marcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs in 1869 (Jennings, 2012).
References: Jennings, M. (2012). Business ethics: Case studies and selected readings. (7th Ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.