Recommended Course of Action:
Create a campaign to teach KFC’s consumers about all the animal cruelty that KFC puts its’ chickens through and start a boycott.
Basis of Recommendation:
Creating a campaign to teach KFC’s consumers would let them realize exactly what PETA is fighting for and how much cruelty there is on KFC’s part. Knowledge is the main thing that consumers will need to understand. Without that knowledge, many consumers will not know what they are fighting for and will not understand the importance, therefore many consumers will not help PETA. The attacks and stunts will get consumers’ attentions but will not teach them exactly what is going on and how much cruelty there is. When consumers can finally understand what PETA is fighting for and why they are fighting KFC, only then will many consumers agree to boycott the fast food restaurant. When enough consumers boycott to the point where there is a loss in profit for KFC, will they finally make a change in their poultry guidelines that is acceptable to PETA.
Reasonable Alternatives:
1. Go to more KFC locations and keep doing the same stunts: a favorite stunt by PETA is planting young women in yellow bikinis at KFC outlets. They definitely attract much attention but the attention may not be helping very much in their cause. The attention is not helping KFC change their guidelines and it’s not really teaching the consumers exactly what PETA is fighting for.
2. Create more new stunts and attacks: creating new stunts and attacks could be costly and time consuming. Previous attacks and stunts seem to not work very well besides attracting attention. Again, PETA is getting the attention but not exactly teaching the knowledge that should be taught of exactly what they are fighting for.
3. Keep trying to block KFC’s good intentions: KFC gave $3,000 grants of asphalt