(Instructions: Enter your answers in the appropriate rows. Do not exceed one page)
|Name: Kadesha Burke |Student Number: 0803251 |
|Case # & Name: Waterfield Farms |Date Submitted: 11/12/2012 |
|The three most important key facts in this case /are: |
|1:”Waterfield Farms estimated a total of 567 million heads of lettuce were sold in the East Coast retail market”. |
|2: “Hydroponic lettuce had several attributes that differentiated it from other lettuce”. |
|3: “Hydroponic lettuce did not sell well at regular retail margins; many stores did not carry it.” |
|The Main Problem / Task to solve/do is: |
|Waterfield Farms would like to increase their sales by trying to extend their distribution within the market by selling more products, and to |
|make “Hydroponic lettuce look as appealing as it did before harvest”. Wright “would have to review his pricing and promotional programs to |
|formulate a plan that he could sell to corporate headquarters”. |
|The three most promising alternatives are: |
|1: Waterfield Farms can focus on creating a new packaging for each individual head. |
|2: Waterfield Farms can focus on creating a new way in distributing their produce.