Q1. From the following balances, you are required to calculate cash from operations:
| 31.03.11 |31.03.12 |
|Rs. |Rs. |
|Debtors 50,000|47,000 |
|Bills Receivable 10,000 |12,500 |
|Creditors 20,000 |25,000 |
|Expenses Outstanding 1,000 |1,200 |
|Expenses Prepaid 800 |700 |
|Accrued Income 600 |750 |
|Income received in advance 300 |250 |
|Net Profit made - |1,30,000 |
|Bills Payable 8,000 6,000 |
| |
Q2. Balance Sheets of a firm as on 1st April 2009and 31st March 2010 were as follows:
|Liabilities |1.4.2011 |31.04.2012 |Assets |1.04.2011 |31.03.2012 |
| |Rs. |Rs. | |Rs.