Electronics over the past fifteen years have become an everyday essential in today’s market. The use of personal computers skyrocketed from being in higher income households to common place in almost every home. Equalus Inc. is excited to jump into the world of desktop computers and notebooks by providing service to the masses of a “build-your-own” personal system with tech help and customer service all originating within the United States. Based on a series of questions Equalus will be able to build a desktop or notebook to the user’s needs. Consumers will no longer wonder if their purchase will be able to handle what they need it to do and last for as long as they need it to. With the type of business Equalus will be bringing to the consumer the closest competition would the Hewlett-Packard (HP). This analysis of HP is in attempts to foresee any possible issues that may occur for Equalus and provide an accurate description of the market competition.…
In relation to the data collected, preference should be to utilize the Del l as the vendor of choice to purchase a laptop, as the cost and capabilities of the vendor are most in line with the business requirements of the…
This paper will compare and contrast three computers to pitch an idea to upgrade the computers in this organization so that the consumer can help with growth, decrease cost and keep up with the technique. This will go over cost, reliability, and power. In the conclusion you will find the computer that fits the organization.…
Evaluate the three specifications below for commercially available computer systems from Dell and justify the one most suitable for use in the IT classrooms…
Thesis: When looking a buying a new laptop, college students should consider the XXXXX laptop because it has a high speed dual processor, its operating system surpasses any other, and, most importantly, this laptop seems impervious to dangerous viruses.…
Dell’s Unique Selling Point (USP) is the facility that allow consumers to select and customise their computer. Customers…
Cui, X. (2009). In-Depth Analysis of PC Industry in China. International Journal of Business and Management , 150-156.…
When a leader has control of decisions they can mold and shape the vision, mission, culture, and strategy of the organization (Nahavandi, 2006). Since the leader is responsible for the overall health of an organization, leaders are empowered with these tools to maintain or effect organizational change. The key component to direct decision making is standardization and consistency because without this the leader may be sending mixed signals throughout the organization and this can breed feelings of confusion and contempt.…
It is a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings or impressions in ways so that everyone can understand. In essence we use communication as a tool to influence others. As a means to establish and maintain relationships, to motivate people and to change attitudes. The main reason we communicate is to seek or provide information and we all use it to express emotions like courage or fear, joy or sorrow, satisfaction or disappointment alongside appropriate gestures and words. It is crucial in the development of positive relationships within families, socially and in a working environment. With effective communication we can convey our ideas clearly.…
Essay 1 : Introduction to Dell 3 Parts - Look at the Business Model in Particular (Is it fit for purpose?) – Then the Ecosystem – The Modularization and mention licensing Look the Paradigm of Dell Conclusion…
Though diversification and sharpening business focus has allowed Dell to be one of the largest computer companies in the world, the previous past has been very tough for the company which can be seen in its stagnant revenues, declining margins and subpar performance compared with industry peers such as Apple and Hewlett-Packard Company ( HP). There are multiple reasons for this performance such as Dell operating at the standards based commodity end of the business, with limited presence in the margin rich high end products, and it not being able to scale up to the creativity and innovativeness of companies such as Apple which have completely changed the dynamics of the technology industry.…
With reference to the given text, the author insists that over the years of modern technology, computers are now impacting peoples’ lives tremendously. Computers are used for businesses and education purposes and there is no longer a question about whether it is affordable or not.…
Dell Corporation should continue with a cost-based strategy as this gives them competitive advantage. The opportunities section of the SWOT analysis highlights that Dell should formulate and implement a growth strategy by developing innovations for mobile portable devices, specifically a wider range of tablets for individual consumers, rather than businesses. This should be achieved through external recruiting of experienced innovative teams such as Nook. This would be a successful way for Dell to develop their business and market share because the market for tablets is growing exponentially. These new products in the developing market should be sold with Dell’s direct channel as this was shown to be strength of Dell in the SWOT analysis. Although Dell’s opportunity analysis shows that they could expand their customer base by selling indirectly, the strengths of the direct model already implemented outweigh the possibility of this. This direct model differentiates Dell to competitors and reduces cost so that Dell can remain cost-focused. However, before strengthening Dell’s presence in any emerging markets they must ensure their organisation implements a comprehensive SWOT analysis and employs any other analytical tools (such as PEST and Porter’s 5 forces) to ensure this is viable at the time, and how to go about it. This will prevent wasted time and money and will allow Dell to recognize the threats to their success as they enter into the new industry. This is fundamental. Situational analysis also demonstrates that developing a smartphone is an opportunity in the industry as the smartphone market is growing. However, it is not viable for Dell to consider re-developing their smartphone offerings, as this was unsuccessful for the company in the past (Rotman Epps, 2013). It would also be hard to enter into this market as competitors such as Samsung and Apple are already well established in this area, with a strong market presence. It is also…
One trade-off is Dell’s strategic positioning of personalized computers refrains it from the benefits of supply-side economies of scale. The personalized products and customer-centric services mean higher cost.…
The Dell company is one of the world's top providers of computer products and services to businesses and consumers.…